Zwergengaart - The community Garden of Hünsdorf

The land belongs to the municipality of Lorentzweiler.

The garden has a total area of 17.95 ares. It is located in a quiet place on the edge of the Alzette. The bicycle path PC15 runs along the garden. A children's playground next to it is very convenient for gardeners with children. In harmony with nature, the garden is a place of rest, a place of exchange for the gardeners and a land providing a lot of healthy vegetables.

8 ares are cultivated and planted by the employment initiative CIGR Steinsel Lorentzweiler.

There are also 15 individual plots that are rented to private individuals.

The plots cost per year: ¼ are: 50€ // ½ are: 60€ // 1are: 70€.

One plot is rented to "Transition Uelzechtdall" through a member, where different experiments are carried out every year, such as making seeds.

In the garden there is a garden shed in which each person who rents a plot has a place. Each gardener must bring his or her own tools.

Charles Dowding's idea of "no digging" fascinated us and this is exactly the method that was applied with the CIGR: A layer of cardboard without inscriptions was laid on the mown meadow and on top of this a layer of about 20 cm of compost soil. The beds were distributed and the planting work could begin.

Since this year 2022, we have installed compost bins where gardeners can make their own compost. Most of them, however, make their own compost in their plot.

Adresse: rue Pierre Mergen

Locality / city: Hünsdorf

Contact: Schmit Christophe (Gemeinde Lorentzweiler)


Telephone number: 337 268 744

Contact 2: Seil Christiane (CIGR Steinsel Lorentzweiler)


Telephone number: 26 33 40 47